Mark Boslet
Global venture investing in cleantech startups fell sharply in the second quarter to a 2½ year low, with $1.6 billion going to 155 startups, according to the Cleantech Group.
Venture capital fundraising remained sluggish in the second quarter with a small handful of funds once again gathering a lion’s share of the money in a consolidating industry.
Of the 14 cleantech funds in CalPERS CETF portfolio, five had negative returns while nine had positive ones, as of the end of 2011
The buzz is that Palo Alto Networks will begin its roadshow next week. With ServiceNow reopening the window to enterprise IPOs, Palo Alto Networks should have a successful debut, right? There have been some lingering doubts.
The research firm said global activity rose 16% in deals done and dollars allocated, with Internet startups attracting more than a quarter of all investments. Seed, angel and Series A deals made up a third of transactions.
MIT said it opened the doors of its largest startup accelerator for student-led companies, the Beehive Cooperative. The Beehive is to house 40 companies, providing them summer office space. Each startup has at least one current student on its founding team. PRESS RELEASE A ‘hive’ of entrepreneurial activity: MIT’s new startup accelerator gives early-stage companies […]
It is not everyday that you find an exit for a 15 year old portfolio company and one that bring a more than 4x return on capital to boot.
The Sacramento Private Equity Partners portfolio shows mixed results from vintages 2006 to 2011, with median IRR of -4.2%
For CalPERS, 2007 was a very good year; not so with 2006
LinkedIn co-founder Konstantin Guericke takes on a new role at Earlybird, helping startups tap into the U.S. market