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Scott Munro

Any time a startup is reticent or delayed in providing critical information to investors or prospective acquirers, the perception of that company may be diminished. Losing momentum during this period can have a real impact on closing the deal; luckily, this can be avoided and preparedness can be accomplished with a little forethought and consistency, writes Scott Munro, a venture partner at Inovia Capital. In a PE Hub Canada feature, Munro provides some best practices that allow an organization, at any point in time, to be prepared for and exhibit high quality expertise to any externally interested party, be it an investor or potential buyer.
Scott Munro, a venture partner at Inovia Capital, has acquired battle scars as an investment banker and as an operator. During one rigorous stretch, he acquired 13 companies in 36 months ,  an experience that provided him with hands-on knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. In a PE Hub Canada feature, Munro discusses the opportunities and cautionary thoughts that exist for companies looking to acquire to expand their market position. He also provides his cardinal rules to preparing for, evaluating and optimizing an M&A deal.

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