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Tom Stein

VC Hospital Safety Coronavirus
A bevy of start-ups in recent years have emerged to help disinfect all aspects of hospitals, from handwashing to patient rooms to healthcare devices. This seemed like a novel idea before covid-19, but it’s essential now.
Vet dog cat
Millennials are driving demand for improved veterinary services, a $19bn market. So investors are looking at new tech-enabled pet health start-ups, writes Tom Stein
Corporations are becoming more diverse and inclusive, and start-ups are helping to achieve that. Many provide AI to screen job applicants and remove bias from the hiring process.
As remote learning takes over the world, VC-backed services that help students in a virtual environment take on new significance.
Concert, event, crowd, party, event marketing,
To this day, many organizations still use a hodgepodge of outdated tools and Excel spreadsheets to manage their corporate events. That’s surprising because about 22 percent of marketing budgets at B2B companies are spent on professional events, such as user conferences and tradeshows, according to the annual “2019 State of IT” report on IT budget […]
Good VCs aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty. Maybe that’s why many of them are now rushing to invest in the camping sector. Over the past year, a troop of camping-related startups has successfully pitched their ideas to investors, raising hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Part of the attraction is that […]
Here’s a quiz. What is America’s largest consumer debt? A) Mortgages B) Credit cards C) Student loans The answer is C. At $1.5 trillion and growing, student loan debt is now the largest consumer debt in the U.S., larger than mortgages, larger than credit cards. And it’s impacting not just those who owe the debt, […]
Startups are in the disruption business. Move fast and break things, that’s what they do. But there’s a trillion-dollar industry where they’ve made barely a dent: credit cards. The 15 largest credit card issuers still control 90 percent of the U.S. market, collecting more than $160 billion a year in interest charges and fees alone, […]
Warehouse workers are the unsung heroes of e-commerce. Consumers may not think much about the people who pick and pack the goods we receive. But without these workers toiling away in huge, anonymous warehouse facilities, we would never get the multitude of products we order online every day. The problem, however, is that this fulfillment […]
The concept of mental health is still somewhat taboo, especially in the workplace. But in the digital age, workplace stress and burnout are increasingly real problems, especially as workers are now expected to be connected to the office at all hours. Simply put, office workers today are under a lot more pressure than just a […]

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