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The Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA) and Thomson Reuters will publish their reports on Canadian venture capital market activity from 2015 in the coming weeks. PE Hub Canada has in the meantime compiled a list of the likely top 10 (disclosed) financings completed in the past year.
Lightspeed and Kik head up the list of top venture fundings for Canadian companies in 2015
Sierra Ventures raised $170 million for its latest fund, thanks to several new LPs
The early-stage investor has built a formidable portfolio in the Golden State after establishing roots here less than five years ago
An early adopter and an investor in 59 deals last two years, Foundry Group argues effort involved was too great
As VCs rethink unicorn valuations, down rounds, delayed exits and a corralling of the industry’s recovery could lie ahead
For entrepreneurs, the belt tightening has begun. Hiring plans are being placed on hold and core engineering prioritized. Companies once seeking senior sales executives with large Rolodexes are making due with mid-level hires driven as much by energy as experience. Some founders are sending overseas product development they hoped to confine to more-expensive, close-knit local […]
Venture firms nationwide raised more than $29 billion in 2015, nearly on par with the year before, according to preliminary data
Sequoia Capital backed the most companies and invested the largest amount of capital in 2015, according to preliminary data
Not all the news of 2015 was about unicorns. But it was certainly the biggest story of the year.

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