The number of IPOs stays roughly the same month over month, but value drops in January
IPO activity also jumps, led by LendingClub debut
In October, U.S.-based venture fundraising soars more than 222 percent from the month before; the number of IPOs more than doubles
After a rush of venture fundraising activity throughout most of 2014, fundraising falls dramatically in September; the amount investors put into venture deals rose in the month
Venture activity down across the board in August, but total IPO proceeds from VC-backed companies perks up after Mobileye debut
IPOs slide back some, while deal value perks up in month
Fundraising perks up some from August to end of September
A visual look at how the volume of fundraising, deals, IPOs and M&A changed from July to August
A quick look at how the volume of deals, fundraising, IPOs and M&A changed from June to July
The Atlantic province of Nova Scotia has traditionally been better known for seafood rather than software. But with the fishing industry enmeshed in a prolonged downturn, economic development types have pinned their hopes for the region’s future prosperity on its lower profile techie side. The province is home to fewer than a million people, but […]